We do a full battery of assessments upfront to reveal quickly what is keeping you stuck and what to focus on to get your relationship moving forward. Like an "x-ray", they reveal deeper issues that can take years to uncover in traditional therapy, or sometimes get missed all together. Unlock your repetitive interactions that keep you stuck and dissatisfied, and learn how to effectively work with your partner to bring about healing and change.

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Are you in a crisis or need to get moving faster on your relationship? Or does your schedule make it difficult to do weekly therapy appointments? Maybe you just want to focus solely on your relationship apart from all of the daily distractions. Instead of weekly counseling appointments, we work with you in an intensive format, up to 6 hours a day for 1-4 days at a time, depending on the issues at hand. This format allows you to achieve significant growth in a short period of time.

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Two experienced relationship therapists who happen to be a married couple, creating a powerful forum for change. Get double the impact with two different professional perspectives, specialties and training. As male and female, both genders are understood, with all the unique aspects that go with each. We also bring collaborative discussion and our own personal experience as husband and wife to demonstrate how we personally apply what we are teaching you.

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